Sunday, August 31, 2014

Sunday, August 31, 2014

Gentle Readers,

Yesterday was a full day of work for Mike. He has been setting up assignments for his students' lab work. Being creative, he is preparing World Cup player and team lists for his Database class. As you know soccer is big here.

That gave me another day to explore the city, to find the Posta and to buy some stamps and postcards for friends and family without internet. Since we have no car and need to carry everything, shopping daily is working out well. A couple pieces of fruit and veggies and fresh bread every day are the main staples. (Let me save you some time: no store stocks molasses, pumpkin or horseradish).

Thanks to the Croatian subtitles on TV, I have picked up a few words. Now I need to find the courage to use them! The folks here are very helpful and we manage very well knowing only English. One of my travel books attributes only two words in English derived from Croatian, i.e., cravat and dalmatian.

Mass in English is at the Jesuit Church and we are looking forward to seeing the church in person. Hope to have some pictures for you later. The frescos in our book are reminiscent of the art work in Rome, (another place I have not seen). Tonight is our Google hangout call with our kids. We can't wait to see them again. Hope you are all doing well.

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